Biologics (PRP, PRGF, Endoret)

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma

PRGF- Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (Endoret)

We now have the technology to use the body’s own growth factors and anti-inflammatory agents to help treat and heal many joint and soft tissue problems.

There is now increasing evidence that this technique can be used to improve the symptoms of arthritic joints as well as soft tissue problems such as tendinitis.

What is the process?

A small amount of blood is taken (exactly like a normal blood test). The sample is spun in a special centrifuge which separates the red and white blood cells from the rest of the components of blood. The remaining “Plasma Rich in Growth Factors” is removed and injected into the area to be treated. There is usually a course of 3 injections over 3 weeks.

Improvement in symptoms is usually evident at  four to six weeks.

What are the risks?

The risks are actually very small. This has been proven to be a very safe treatment especially as it’s your own blood and therefore allergic reactions are unlikely. Some patients do experience and increase in discomfort before the anti-inflammatory effect kicks in.  As with any injection, there is a tiny risk of infection, bleeding and nerve injury.